VICHY Laboratories Ideal White Sleeping Mask Review – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger


Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the fairest skin of them all? 

As cliche as it may sound, many ladies are actually still very concerned about the skin tone and would like to achieve fairer brighter skin. Some guys on the other hand also prefer their partners to have fairer skin tone. There’s nothing wrong wanting to have fairer and brighter skin, it’s really up to your preference! But if you really yearn to have brighter looking skin, perhaps give this new VICHY Laboratories Ideal White Sleeping Mask a try? 🙂

The NEW VICHY Ideal White Sleeping mask helps fight against melanin, deeply replenish moisture level and repair skin damage while you sleep. There’s no need to rinse off hence it’s very fuss-free. Apply the mask and head to bed – wake up to brighter and hydrated skin the next day!


It’s not very obvious in real life but there’s actually tiny beads all over the gel mask. Upon application and light massage, the beads dissolve and blends off into the skin. 


The texture: It feels like jelly when taken out of the tub. The gel-like texture leaves a nice layer of protection to hydrate the skin. There may be tiny beads of ingredients but it gets dissolved easily upon application. Not exactly lightweight but not sticky either. It just feels very smooth. 

Vichy%2Bwhitening%2Bmask I use this at night so that I can trust this Ideal White Sleeping Mask to do its wonders to my skin overnight without having me to wash it off or anything. It feels very cooling on the skin too! Thanks for reading! ❤ Love, Celine

Instagram: (@chiamhuiy)
Dayre: (@chiamhuiy)

Celine Chiam is a Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion blogger. Welcome to her world of beauty reviews, travelogues and every day tips! She’s on #dayre (@chiamhuiy) and instagram (@chiamhuiy) as well.

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