Good bye 2013, Hello 2014! – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger

2013 ..

has been great I guess. But honestly, I can’t really remember what I’ve done for the past 365 days and I finally find my blog useful because I can look through the archives on this blog. 



I’ve been really blessed that I was able to leave my footsteps in several countries like Bangkok (twice), Phuket, Bintan & Taiwan (twice)! I have so many travelogues I would like to post but time just don’t seem to be on my side. But I do know that my 15 delicious street food in Bangkok and Travel guide for Bangkok have both received very good responses! My most viewed post on my Taiwan Travelogue is the one on Wu Fen Pu and Raohe St. Night Market. Now that I’ve just returned from Taiwan few weeks ago, I am very eager to post my video travelogues!

In 2014, I’m probably going to have the best moments in my life. That is my exchange programme in Germany, where I’m going to spend a good 5 months there. And very intuitively, this blog will most likely turn into a travelling and vlogging blog where I will note down all my travelogues around Europe. Stay tuned in April 😉


2013 was also the year I started to pick up blogger sponsorships and frequent many food tastings. I’ve even start off video hosting on an ad hoc basis! I must be lying if I say the sponsored items are nothing. Who doesn’t like presents coming from nowhere? Hahaha. BUT please take into consideration all the efforts we (bloggers) put in in writing reviews, editing the photos and to start off, taking the photos. That’s really a pain in the ass because taking photos all by yourself is really tough. Sometimes it goes out of focus, sometimes the angle isn’t good, and it doesn’t help much when my DSLR does not have the flip-out screen. My Hada Labo review post is an example where I put in a lot of time to take, edit photos and write out the post. Nonetheless, I would like to thank all the sponsors for sending me gifts and providing me services to review! 谢谢你的爱!



The experience was good, I’ve learnt and grown as these experiences take place, and I can’t be more than thankful for all the opportunities given to me. I am never receiving high popularity like other famous bloggers, but some comments from YOU really motivates me a lot. All those “thank you” comments on my guide posts are really heartwarming and motivating, thank you! 

I’ve also met many people in the blogosphere. Good ones and bad ones, there’s bound to have both. I’m just thankful that nothing really bad happens to me, although there are sad stuff. I’ll leave this to my other post on “life being a blogger” because I have sooooo much to say. I must say the blogosphere isn’t exactly 100% nice to be in. Despite the dark side of it, there’s also nice blogger friends I’ve met and encountered, so thank you for being part of my blogging life! 🙂




To all my SMU friends, thank you for going through 2013 with me! 2013 couldn’t be memorable without you guys.

To my past JC/Secondary or random outside friends, thank you for staying in contact with me! 

Family and loved ones.

I just wish my family, especially my parents to stay healthy in the many years to come. Especially during the period where I’m away from Singapore, I really hope my parents would stay healthy and happy. 

And finally leaving the most important man in my life to the last because good things are left to the last… 

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2013 is a great year with you around, always standing by me. I always ask you what happened when we’re together because time flies, we’re together for 2 years already. I can’t thank you enough for always tolerating my bad temper, buying me food to cheer me up, accompanying me to places I would like to go, and taking photos for me without a single reluctance. Thank you darling! And of course, as 2014 gets harder as we will separate for 5 months, I wish our relationship and love to stay strong like how it did for the past 2 years ❤❤ 

And that mostly wraps up my 2013! Hope you have had a good 2013, if not, 2014 WILL BE BETTER! 


Celine Chiam 

Oh, forgot to mention 2013 is also the year I got an angmoh name, “Celine”! Muahahhaa. 

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