Beauty review: FreshKon® Alluring Eyes 1-DAY lens – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger

[Review sponsored by Cozycot and Freshkon]

The fastest way to brighter looking eyes, undisputedly, is to wear pupils enlarging contact lens! Contact lenses have came so far with multiple brands emerging in the market, wide range of colours and many more!  Under such circumstances, how do we know which contact lens to choose? freshkonalluringeyes 2 Simple. Look for the two most important elements: Comfort & Natural.

You see, contact lenses are substituting your spectacles. You wear it the whole day, and the lens is on your eyeball for that amount of time. Imagine the strenuous effect tolling on your eyes. Which is why, the comfort level the lens brings ought to be high.

Natural looking? You wouldn’t want people to look into a pair of artificial-looking eyes when they talk to you right? Looking for natural-looking cosmetic lens such as reasonable lens width and colour. 

With the two elements in mind, I would like to introduce you the FreshKon Alluring Eyes 1 Day lenses!


They are packed individually and I like how compact and portable it is.


The FreshKon® Alluring Eyes 1-DAY lens comes in three natural coloursMagnetic Grey, Winsome Brown and Mystical Black.

“FreshKon® Alluring Eyes 1-DAY lenses offer superior comfort with a hydrophilic (water-loving) surface, 58 percent water content and hyaluronic acid for optimum ocular lubrication and hydration for enhanced comfort and clarity. “
-Freshkon freshkonalluringeyelenses

I got myself the magnetic grey colour and it looks absolutely natural! My next desired colour would be winsome brown since I’ve recently dyed my hair brown.


Why would you need contact lens?

To be honest, I don’t wear contact lens because my degree is only 50-100. This degree does not make a difference in my daily life but it sure does when I’m in a lecture or when I’m off for sight-seeing. The moment I wear the lenses (or my spectacles), everything became extremely crystal clear. I’ll be heading to Germany next year for my uni exchange and I swear I’ll be getting the lens out of my pocket if need be, because I want to see all the architectures very clearly ^-^. I can’t be wearing spectacles and take photos right.

Here’s the before and after result you have been waiting for!


You can see that FreshKon® Alluring Eyes Lenses don’t look too artificial when worn. 

And the close-up differences…

pupils enlarging lenses I’m not sure about the rest, but I have this mentality that one-day lenses will be more comfortable! The obvious reason is because you are changing the lenses every single day, hence no impurities would have the chance to stay and breed. Nonetheless, monthly lens would be more economical (cheaper) and they can be comfortable too.  

Comfort level

I’m not a regular user of contact lenses so any lenses will still bring a little discomfort to me after a while, but it’s perfectly reasonable. Nonetheless, the lenses are extremely easy to put on (from a newbie perspective!), and it does not trigger any tears when worn. So far so good! I am very much considering getting the monthly version for my exchange! wearcontactlens

I think nobody can recognize me now. 

For more information, visit their website!


Celine Chiam 

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