SKII #ChangeDestiny with ballet dancer, Misa Kuranaga. – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger


Have you ever come across this ballet dancer, Miss Misa Kuranaga? 

It’s my first time chancing upon her ballet shots, and I have to say I’m absolutely captivated. The professional ballet posture simply exudes elegance. But behind this great ballet shot lies a very inspiring video… watch this video and you’ll understand.

What’s your thoughts? Did tears well up in your eyes like how mine did?

Misa Kuranaga’s true account is truly inspiring. I think the script and narration was very well crafted as well – the DNA and how we should #changedestiny and overcome any prejudices dawned upon us. Her true story taught me to just be true to myself and ignore what others think of me. Which kind of make me recall how I used to receive negative remarks and mocks when I first started out as a blogger. 

But hey, efforts in the end do pay off isn’t it? 

They don’t come as easily as you reach your hand out for it. It takes time and effort, sweat and blood to achieve something you have always longed for. Come to think of it, it’s been almost three years since I started writing on a blog, two years since I transited to being a beauty and lifestyle blogger. Honestly, the Celine few years ago will never have thought she’ll come so far and eventually become a blogger and instagrammer with followers taking up 4 digits. It’s nothing incredible, but it’s a small result that I’ve worked hard for. 


The journey was not at all easy. Like how Misa Kuranaga work hard towards her goals and passion, I had to juggle between my studies, part time job and blogger duties, not to mention I have to spend time attending events too…


It was not easy, but when efforts pay off and you start to get recognition, you know your time and effort was worth it. :’)


So what does #ChangeDestiny mean to you? Do you have your own story to tell? 🙂


This post is brought to you by SK-II.

Thanks for reading! ❤
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Celine Chiam is a Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion blogger. Welcome to her world of beauty reviews, travelogues and every day tips! She’s on #dayre (@chiamhuiy) and instagram (@chiamhuiy) as well.

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