New hairstyle & colour @ Pro Trim Hair Salon 313 Somerset – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger

“Oh wow you had your hair cut short!”

“Omg you snipped off your hair!!”

“Did you just… CUT YOUR HAIR?!”

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Ah huh. Mm Hmm. 

That’s right, I had my hair cut short right before I leave for exchange in Germany. 

Ever since I become a blogger, I have to admit that I tend to get more daring to my hair! Be it style, the hair colour or anything. This time, I did something that I’ve never thought of doing – cutting my hair short. 

So why the change?

Actually, no idea. One day when I just felt like it so I told my hairstylist to do it.

This shows that the trust between yourself and your hairstylist is really important. So, I entrusted my hair to my hairstylist, Tino from Pro Trim Hair Salon! 


Here’s the process and a way to show you the ‘before and after’ photos. 


In the process of snipping my hair.

In case you don’t know about this, cutting short hair is so much more difficult than trimming long hair! My haircut took about an hour or longer because my hairstylist had to snip off the hair layer by layer at the back of my head. It was a long process but it also showed how meticulous my hairstylist was. He snipped off inch by inch, layer by layer.

I also had pink highlights this time round, hidden in a very light shade of brown. I was really contemplating between blue and pink highlights but since I had blue and purple highlights the last time, time for something new yeah? 😉


And the aftermath for this hair makeover! 

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Sitting on the edge in Salzburg, Austria

I think this new hairstyle is really fresh! I like this kind of hair makeover occasionally. Sometimes I get really sick of how I look the same for soooo many years. Sometimes you just had that one day when you woke up and feel like doing something daring to your hair, don’t you? 

If you are interested for such a hair makeover too, you might want to visit Pro Trim Hair Salon 🙂 Below are the details: 

Pro Trim Hair Salon @ 313 Somerset 

+65 6238 7027

313 Orchard Road #B1-35



Celine Chiam

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