Healthy snack – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger

Food 12/19/2012

What was your breakfast today?  Opt for a healthier choice instead ^_^ Although I don’t really like grains, but this is a gre…

What was your breakfast today? 

Opt for a healthier choice instead ^_^

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Although I don’t really like grains, but this is a great combination of grains with walnuts and banana crunch. 

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In my attempt to lose some weight before my bangkok trip, I often replace my unhealthy meals with this snack. And it’s been almost 2 weeks since I’ve had fastfood! Super proud of myself! 

Sad to say, I’ve replaced this for lunch at times too. But it isn’t thatttt bad because I am not entirely skipping meals! In fact I am still going out with my friends occasionally to try out good food, take photos of them and post the reviews on my blog! I kind of enjoy my life a lot right now ❤

On a side note, it has been raining almost everyday so far, and it makes my mood so gloomy. Can’t even go for a swim or run to keep my weight down. Can’t even wear shoes out because they’ll get soaked and you know you hate it when your shoes are soaked and you won’t be going home any sooner. 

Rain rain go away please. 

sad rain cloud

Hui Yan- 

Celine Chiam is a Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion blogger. Welcome to her world of beauty reviews, travelogues and every day tips! She’s on #dayre (@chiamhuiy) and instagram (@chiamhuiy) as well.

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