A quick update of my blogging life! | Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel blogger

Hello lovelies! 


This is one of the rarest post you’ll find in the history of my blog (HAHA) because I seldom blog about personal stuff. But I thought, wouldn’t it be good to do a quick update of the ding-dongs recently to let my readers (you!) to get a glimpse of what I’ve been up to? 

1. Events


Back in action, I’ve been pretty much enjoying myself attending events and product launches. The good old times just doesn’t get boring! In fact, it definitely feels accomplishing (though really tough) for me to juggle between school and my blog-related stuff. 

Speaking about events, I think I’m severely running out of outfits to where. You know those #firstworldproblems that we have? 


THAT’S IT. This picture totally depicts my situation every time I prep myself for events! I need to shop! 

Since #goodthingsmustshare, I’m telling you now that I’ve been checking out Cuponation constantly for the latest promotions or coupons available when I need some shopping therapy. Cuponation is basically a platform that consolidates all the deals and promotional codes that helps me save money. 

My recent purchase at Zalora was also incentivised by the voucher zalora coupon Cuponation informed me of! 



2. Food reviews

Funny enough, I’ve been doing quite a few food reviews after attending some tastings. Special shoutout to Rachel, Li Qin and Vanessa from BC for being so warm in their hospitality whenever it comes to food tastings! Guess I really have to watch my waistline sooner or later before it…. T_T.

3. Blogging

I think this point turns out to be the combination of point 1 and 2 huh. As tiring as it is, sometimes I’m really tired of blogging, attending events, editing the photos and writing about it. What keeps me going is that I know you people are reading my post and I will not let you down! 

To give back to all you readers, I’ve been holding many giveaways in collaboration with many of my brand partners and for that, thank you for the support and thank you sponsors for your generosity! You can hop on to my Facebook page to be notified of the latest giveaway. I have a few coming up too! 

I guess that pretty much sums up my blogging updates. To know what I’ve been up to each day, you can follow me on my instagram!

Thanks for reading! ❤ Love,


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