忠烈楊家將 Saving General Yang Gala Premiere (SG) – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger

A spine-tingling movie featuring history all the way back to Song Dynasty, repeatedly highlighting about the true benevolence, loyalty, filiality and brotherhood between the seven sons of General Yang; 忠烈楊家將 Saving General Yang was indeed a breathtaking and majestic movie. 

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周渝民, Vic Chou

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吳尊, Wu Zun

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The best part of the movie is the subtle messages you often have to decipher yourself because minimal speech was featured throughout the movie.

Coupled with the history background of the Song Dynasty this movie was settled in, many parts of the movie settings were really magnificent. Not just only the spectacular war settings, each single actor was specially picked by Director Ronny Yu (于仁泰) to uniquely act out the individual role’s charactor. 

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Main characters featured are:  Ekin Cheng, Wu Zun, Raymond Lam, Adam Cheng and Vic Chow.

Snapshots of the movie’s progression could slowly reveal to you the plausible ending, though retaining its breathtaking plot at the same time. I honestly love how messages are brought across to the audience by leveraging on your initial presumption and slowly tweaking it, gradually bringing you to the expected ending.

Movie synopsis from Cathay:

Saving General Yang is based on the legendary Generals of the Yang Family. An epic tale about the renowned Song Dynasty’s military defense headed by the clan of Yang against the nomadic Northern nation the Liao, sometimes also known as the Khitans in accounts of ancient Chinese history.

Head of the Yang clan is the charismatic old veteran general, Yang Ye, who is also the father of seven sons, namely Ping, Ding, Ang, Hui, De, Zhao and Si. The seven young men possess different temperaments and characters, but they have to join forces and wits when their father is taken by enemy forces.

Saving General Yang [NC16] was too good a movie to be missed. 
Catch it on the 4th of April when it’s out on the theatres. 

Watch trailer:

 Character featured:

Special thanks to HongPeng(Hpility) and Resorts World Sentosa for the Gala Premiere! This is one of the best chinese movie I’ve watched in the longest time. I honestly wouldn’t mind watching it again. 2013 03 30+23.17.07 2013 03 30+21.13.20

Ekin Cheng, Director Yu, Vic Chou and Wu Zun were here! 

The interview here:

Hui Yan-

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Celine Chiam is a Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion blogger. Welcome to her world of beauty reviews, travelogues and every day tips! She’s on #dayre (@chiamhuiy) and instagram (@chiamhuiy) as well.

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