DAISO trip 1 – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger


Everything* (Typo error)

Tell me that you have been to DAISO at least once. 

If not, you are missing out too many good deals out there!! DAISO sells everything and anything at a flat rate of $2. Yes, two singapore dollars! 

There’s definitely good and bad things about having everything selling at two dollars. Certain things are meant to come at a price, so if you’re able to find it here, it probably means that the quality isn’t as good. Well, if the price they offer is cheap, the quality has to be compromised. Nonetheless, many things are really worth the buy and I love patronising DAISO! ❤ ❤ 

DAISO sells almost everything, from handicrafts, containers, storage items, bathing items, furnishing items, simple baking equipment, socks, slippers, stationeries, makeup items, food, drinks and sweets!! The list can go on and everything at $2! (Haha sorry that I keep repeating myself)

And I guess DAISO is very well prepared for the christmas season coming, this is what welcomes me when I stepped into DAISO. 

Abundant supply of gift boxes to save you the hassle of wrapping your gifts with wrapping paper. Lol lazy people. OR MAYBE… if you are having tight-budget, you can grab your christmas gifts from DAISO, but that’s really super budget. 

You can also get these boxes to keep you jewelries, stationeries, and whatever you wish to keep. 

What I love about DAISO is that I can find many good stuff that can be selling elsewhere at double or triple of what DAISO offers. For example, I’ve many such containers at home: 


At two dollars, you get one big container to keep your little stuff. For me, I have two boxes of nail polishes. Haha yes, I have that many nail polishes. But isn’t it great to keep them all in a container and keep them aside? 

And not just that, these containers come in different colours and sizes! J


Other than plastic containers, I got a few more fabric boxes/containers! 

They are mad pretty and soft, perfect to put my stuff on the table. I will be showing you how I utilise these boxes in the other post! But I swear this is a good buy because the box skeleton is made of metal, so it is definitely strong and sturdy enough. I have four colours and sizes at home now J

Other cute stuff that I found! 


I almost wanted to get one. Maybe I should go back and get it haha! 



DAISO sells many many many many manyyyyyyyy different types of food, particularly tidbits from Japan! I haven’t really try them because I am the greatest fan of…



DAISO has them selling cheap. Supermarkets like coldstorage sells at $2.50 – $3, which is ridiculous because it isn’t a huge pack. DAISO also has them in greater varieties and they sell super fast, which means they stock up new ones regularly too! 

Caramel corn comes in many flavours and I always attempt all the new flavours I see. But nothing can beat the original flavour (the red one in the middle). The chocolate one is new and I’ve yet to try them, but I’ve bought them home already teehee. 

Today, I saw it in a new packaging, but comes in smaller sizes for the kids:


So cute! My childhood character haha. 

And there are even smaller sizes! 

smallcaramelcorn IMG 20121206 2

Packaging comes in different sizes somemore!! Too cute and thoughtful. J

As christmas is coming, DAISO has been stocking up many christmas embellishments items! 

Xmas2 hat

Please trust me, I was trying to wear the tiny hat.


End off with a decent photo! 

IMG 20121206 3

Visit DAISO if you have not! You’ll be surprised by what you can find there! 

DAISO (Plaza Singapura)

68 Orchard Road
#05-01/02/03 Plaza Singapura S238839

Tel: 68849210

Hui Yan-

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