Travelling in Singapore using SG interactive map from Expedia – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger


Planning trips can be quite tedious at times. While we have all the help online and we can easily search for ideas, travel tips and many more with just a google search, it can still take quite a while sometimes. First you have to find top few places to visit, then you have to find their addresses and finally search them on the map. Wouldn’t it be great to have all of these functions in one page? 

Travellers and tourists who are looking at planning a trip to Singapore, you are in luck! Expedia Singapore’s interactive map is pretty helpful when it comes to planning a trip in Singapore. Let me bring you through this interactive map. 

What this interactive map is capable of is quite interesting. It allows you to navigate between various travel categories like Things to do, Child friendly, Restaurants, Cafes and Nightlife.


When clicked, they’ll list down some places to visit. Pick a place that sounds attractive to you and a short description of the place appears, with the location plotted on the google map on the right. 


Cat Cafes are one of the cafes cat lovers must not miss! 

If not, a spa session for some relaxation, how does that sound? SPA%2BTREATMENTS%2BAT%2BBANYAN%2BTREE%2BSPA

As you can see, each places selected have their location plotted on the google map. This allows you to mark the place in your google map (if you have the account/use google map). I really find this very convenient and there’s no need to manually input the address and find it on the google map. 


What’s also helpful is the short description of the places they have listed. It’ll be even better if they have more listings in each category so that more people of different liking and interests can benefit from this interactive map as well. 

Try out the Expedia Singapore’s interactive map here! 

singapore%2Blifestyle%2Btravel%2Bblog Thanks for reading! ❤ Love, Celine

Instagram: (@chiamhuiy)
Dayre: (@chiamhuiy)

Celine Chiam is a Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion blogger. Welcome to her world of beauty reviews, travelogues and every day tips! She’s on #dayre (@chiamhuiy) and instagram (@chiamhuiy) as well.

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