Ingenious videos – Celine Chiam | Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Travel Blogger


I came across this youtube channel called BuzzFeedVideos  few days back and I simply love their videos! They are so smart and the things th…

I came across this youtube channel called BuzzFeedVideos few days back and I simply love their videos! They are so smart and the things they showed can be really helpful and practical. Check it out yourself!
And as for the video below, I’ve always been watching Eldad’s rescuing videos. It captures the whole process of how he rescue stray animals (more of dogs) out of his own volunteering wills. Sometimes i cry because it’s really touching :'(

Meanwhile, the delayed posts will be up on wednesday!! 🙂 

Celine Chiam is a Singapore Lifestyle, Beauty and Fashion blogger. Welcome to her world of beauty reviews, travelogues and every day tips! She’s on #dayre (@chiamhuiy) and instagram (@chiamhuiy) as well.

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